Jaibhim Media, a Blog with collection of all the digital dalit media such as CDs, DVDs, VHSs and other formats of Ambedkarite literature, art, music and philosophy in one place, it is a place for an archive, a place for publication and a place to listen to Buddhists and Ambedkarites stories. Also you will find digital media on human rights violation in India, womans rights and child abuse. Most of them are related to the pathology of hindu culture and Caste virulence of Indians.
In 2007 Linda Ellerbee of the Nickelodeon Network presented a program on the Nickeleodon Networks of America.This video titled "The Untouchable Kids of India Video". If you want to know how despicable and disgusting the caste system, driving the very original people of India into ghettos and seggregated living where poverty rule without proper sanitation, education and job opportunities to millions of dalits. For those readers and well wishers of these deserved Indians, be mindful and watchful when this award winning presenter makes the greatest blunder of uttering none-sense about Gandhi as a savior of poor, Gandhi was one of the worst leaders of India who advocated the divisions, seggregations and caste system of India. Apart from this blunder, there is another blunder in writing about her visit to India, the following article mentions that Linda has travelled to India the world's largest democracy to reveal the little dirty secret, by no means the untouchablity and caste system are little secret, it is probably the biggest secret of bigotry, aparthied and racism on this planet, somehow India was able to hide these dirty and pathological system because hindus and the hindus run Indian government made every effort unimaginable to block this secret going out of India and to go into human rights groups accross the world. But, in the recent years, India's dirty secret started smelling all over the world, it is going to spread much more before some revolution that can eradicate and annhilate India's caste system and caste lovers. Upliftthem blog wrote an immediate response about this ignorance and biased expression of Linda about Gandhi, infact Linda would have done a great service to this people, if she had any slightest historical and truthful knowledge about who was the great savior of untouchables, it is Dr.Ambedkar, who fought throughout his life to destroy the caste system, ultimately he made it illegal to practice untouchabality and wrote it in the constituition, though the law and enforcement thereafter did not do their deligence and honest implementation of the laws in the Indian constituition, the people are increasingly become aware of this oppression is master minded by hindus and of those people like Gandhi's never genuinely wanted to get rid of such pathology, infact they used it for their growth and political survivals.
If you want to watch the video, click the link.
Nick News With Linda Ellerbee Travels to India to Reveal the World's Biggest Democracy's Dirty Little Secret
Award-winning journalist Linda Ellerbee travels to India to give American kids a first-hand look into the world of the Dalits on Nick News' The Untouchable Kids of India, premiering Sunday, October 21, at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT on Nickelodeon. (PRNewsFoto/Nickelodeon)
Thirty-one-year old Atul Paswan has successfully changed what many may have said was his destiny. A Dalit from Siwan district in Bihar three years ago, the village schoolteacher's son set up a software company in Bangalore.
Let us leave us slogan, let us leave us words that frighten people, let us even make concessions to the Prejudices of our opponents............................................(listen further to this historic, powerful speech of Dr.Ambedkar)